1. Introduction

1.1. Cross-LFS Acknowledgements

The editors of the book would like to acknowledge people who have assisted in making the book what it is today.

  • Nathan Coulson - Bootscripts, typo, and content fixes.

  • Richard Downing - Testing, typo, and content fixes.

  • Peter Ennis - Typo and content fixes.

  • Tony Morgan - Typo and content fixes.

  • Ryan Oliver - Developer of the Cross-LFS scripts.

  • Ken Moffat - Developer of the Pure64 Hint.

The editors of the book would also like to acknowledge people who have supported, spotted needed corrections, and testing of the cross-lfs book via the LFS-DEV Mailing lists.

  • Doug Ronne - Various x86_64 fixes.

  • Maxim Osipov - MIPS Testing.

  • Justin Knierim - Typos.

  • Joe Ciccone - Alpha Development, Testing and GCC 4.x fixes.

  • Matt Darcy - x86_64 Testing.

  • Alexander E. Patrakov - Udev/Hotplug Integration

  • G. Moko - Text updates and Typos

  • William Zhou - Text updates and Typos

  • Theo Schneider - Testing of the Linux Headers Package

  • Jürg Billeter - Testing and Developing of the Linux Headers Package

Thank you all for your support.